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Radiologia (Engl Ed) ; 66(2): 189-195, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38614535


Radiology is a medical discipline, an area of transversal knowledge integrated into any clinical situation. The optimal training of learning knowledge, skills and aptitudes in Radiology in the Degree in Medicine requires the integration of any imaging modality in the different areas of knowledge; from the basic subjects to any clinical subject of the Degree. This article describes the integration of Radiology teaching into the curriculum throughout the Medicine Degree at the University of Girona (UdG), describing the different radiology teaching activities that are taught. The specific activities of the subject "Radiology" are detailed; through workshops, seminars, practices, interactive computer game; and describing the characteristics of the main teaching methodological activity of the UdG, Problem-Based Learning.

Radiologia , Humanos , Radiografia
Rev Esp Patol ; 57(2): 91-96, 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38599742


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: Artificial intelligence is fully present in our lives. In education, the possibilities of its use are endless, both for students and teachers. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The capacity of ChatGPT has been explored when solving multiple choice questions based on the exam of the subject «Anatomopathological Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures¼ of the first call of the 2022-23 academic year. In addition, to comparing their results with those of the rest of the students presented the probable causes of incorrect answers have been evaluated. Finally, its ability to formulate new test questions based on specific instructions has been evaluated. RESULTS: ChatGPT correctly answered 47 out of 68 questions, achieving a grade higher than the course average and median. Most failed questions present negative statements, using the words «no¼, «false¼ or «incorrect¼ in their statement. After interacting with it, the program can realize its mistake and change its initial response to the correct answer. Finally, ChatGPT can develop new questions based on a theoretical assumption or a specific clinical simulation. CONCLUSIONS: As teachers we are obliged to explore the uses of artificial intelligence and try to use it to our benefit. Carrying out tasks that involve significant consumption, such as preparing multiple-choice questions for content evaluation, is a good example.

Inteligência Artificial , Docentes , Humanos , Estudantes , Materiais de Ensino , Probabilidade
Radiologia (Engl Ed) ; 66(1): 94-101, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38365359


The international literature on university teaching, has insisted on the need to combine a double component in the professional profile of teachers: content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. Regarding the content, the area of knowledge of radiology and physical medicine is made up of different medical specialties, among which are radiodiagnosis, nuclear medicine, radiation oncology, physical medicine and rehabilitation. On the other hand, the pedagogical content knowledge is framed by framework that the Bologna Declaration (1999). Focusing on radiodiagnosis, the ideal candidates must be professionals in this medical specialty, vocational teachers and people who find in the undergraduate teaching process an opportunity to transmit their knowledge, experiences and values in an entertaining and understandable way for students who are incorporated into medical knowledge.

Radiologia , Estudantes , Humanos , Radiologia/educação
Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim (Engl Ed) ; 71(1): 8-16, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37683971


OBJECTIVE: To analyse the impact of 10 years of blended echocardiography teaching. METHODS AND RESULTS: A questionnaire was emailed to all medical doctors who graduated from the blended learning diploma in echocardiography developed by the University of Chile and taught by a team from Chile and Spain. One hundred and forty of the 210 students who graduated from the program between 2011 and 2020 completed the questionnaire: 53.57% were anaesthesiologists, and 26.42% were intensivists. More than 85% of respondents indicated that the online teaching met their expectations, and 70.2% indicated that the hands-on practice fulfilled the stated objectives. In a retrospective analysis using self-reported data, graduates reported that their use of transthoracic and transoesophageal echocardiography has increased from 24.29% to 40.71% and from 13.57% to 27.86%, repectively, after the programme compared to before the programme. They used echocardiography mainly in the perioperative period (56.7%) and during intensive care (32.3%), while only 11% of respondents used it in emergency care units. Nearly all (92.4%) respondents reported that the skills learned was very useful in their professional practice. CONCLUSIONS: Ten years after its launch, the blended learning diploma in echocardiography was well rated by graduate specialists, and is associated with a significant increase in the use of echocardiography in the perioperative period and during intensive care. The main challenges are to establish a longer period of practice and achieve greater implantation in emergency medicine.

Ecocardiografia , Estudantes , Humanos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Ecocardiografia Transesofagiana
CienciaUAT ; 18(1): 81-94, jul.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513972


RESUMEN La sororidad es un concepto que posibilita la reflexión crítica y discusión constructiva de las formas en que las mujeres tejen relaciones sociales y generan interacciones. Actualmente, no existe un precedente de instrumento o escala para su medición, ya que los estudios realizados se han abordado con enfoque cualitativo, desde el nivel experiencial, fenomenológico. Es ahí la importancia de ampliar el diálogo y discusión teórica con un enfoque cuantitativo, sin reducir la experiencia humana a estándares paramétricos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue demostrar evidencia de confiabilidad y validez psicométrica de un instrumento respecto a la percepción femenina acerca del concepto de sororidad, en un contexto universitario, con la intención de que a partir de él se pueda realizar un análisis desde la perspectiva de género de las relaciones de las mujeres. El método se circunscribe a los parámetros estadísticos para su construcción y su evaluación. Se determinó la validez de contenido, mediante conversatorios, análisis teórico y la valoración de los ítems a través de expertos; la validez de constructo mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio, con las pruebas de Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin y Bertlett; y la validez de confiabilidad, utilizando alfa de Cronbach. La muestra fue no probabilística, de inclusión continua y voluntaria, utilizando la técnica de la bola de nieve, conformada por 118 profesoras universitarias, de México. El instrumento mostró una confiabilidad global excelente (0.915), por lo que permitió medir la sororidad de un modo consistente y válido. Es recomendable su futura aplicación en otros contextos, ya que cuenta con las propiedades psicométricas necesarias.

ABSTRACT Sorority is a concept that enables critical reflection and constructive discussion of the ways in which women weave relationships and generate interactions. Currently, there is no precedent of an instrument or scale for its measurement, since the studies conducted have been approached with a qualitative focus, from the experiential, phenomenological level. Hence the importance of expanding the dialogue and theoretical discussion with a quantitative approach, without reducing human experience to parametric standards. The objective of this work was to demonstrate evidence of reliability and psychometric validity of an instrument regarding the female perception of the concept of sorority, in a university context, with the intention of being able to analyze women's relationships from a gender perspective. The method is circumscribed to the statistical parameters for its construction and evaluation. Content validity was determined by means of discussions, theoretical analysis, and the evaluation of the items by experts; construct validity was determined by means of an exploratory factor analysis, with the KaiserMeyer-Olkin and Bertlett tests; and reliability validity was determined using Cronbach's alpha. The sample was non-probabilistic, of continuous and voluntary inclusion, using the snowball technique, made up of 118 female university professors from Mexico. The results show that the instrument measures sorority in a consistent and valid way and is suitable for future application in other contexts since it has the necessary psychometric properties.

An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 56(3): 28-39, 20231201.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519367


Introducción: Diferentes estudios de seguimiento de egresados hablan del valor de obtener información sobre las actividades profesionales que ejercen y determinar el impacto de la formación recibida y la percepción de la misma. Objetivos: Determinar el desempeño de los egresados de la Maestría en Nutrición Humana FCM- UNA de las promociones del 2007 al 2020. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo de diseño observacional con enfoque cuantitativo que obtuvo la participación de 83 de los 91 egresados que completaron la encuesta enviada a través del Formulario Google. Resultados: Entre los más resaltantes se tiene que las egresadas entre los encuestados sobresalen las mujeres (90,4 %). El área laboral ejercida; mayor cantidad en el área clínica (61,4 %), consultorio (24,1 %), salud pública en un 6%. El 55,4 % respondió que tuvo más oportunidades laborales; solo el 28,9 % realiza tutoría de tesis. El 79,1 % ha mejorado sus actividades docentes o asistenciales y el 55,4 % ha respondido que no desempeña actividad docente. El 71,1 % ha colaborado en trabajos de investigación siendo magister, en área clínica (47%), en Salud Pública (14,5 %), en área de alimentación, (6%), otros (3.6%); el 64,9 % no ha publicado el trabajo de investigación de la maestría realizada. El 95,2 % no ha hecho aún el Doctorado en Nutrición y al 89,2 % le gustaría hacerlo. Un 87,9 % califica la Maestría de Nutrición Humana FCM-UNA de Excelente o Muy Bueno. Conclusión: Se identifica una mayor cantidad de egresadas mujeres, en cuanto al campo laboral de desempeño, existe una mayor cantidad en el área clínica, más de la mitad de los egresados ha participado en un trabajo de investigación siendo magister en el área clínica, la tesis de maestría no ha sido publicada por la mayoría. Casi el total no ha realizado un Doctorado en Nutrición. Se presenta por primera vez, a nivel nacional, un estudio sobre el desarrollo profesional de los egresados de la Maestría en Nutrición Humana que podría ser útil para futuros trabajos de investigación y toma de decisiones en formación continua.

Introduction: Different graduate follow -up studies speak of the value of obtaining information about the professional activities they exercise and determining the impact of the training received and the perception of the same. Objectives: Determine the performance of graduates of the Master in Human Nutrition FCM One of the promotions from 2007 to 2020. Materials and methods: Descriptive study with observational design and quantitative approach that obtained the participation of 83 of the 91 graduates who completed the survey sent through the Google form. Results: Graduates women (90.4 %). The work area exercised; greater amount in the clinical area (61.4 %), office (24.1 %), public health at 6 %. 55.4 % replied that they had more work chances, only 28.9 % perform thesis tutoring. 79.1 % have improved their teaching or care activities and 55.4 % have responded that they do not perform teaching activity. 71.1%have collaborated in research papers being Master, in clinical area (47%), in public health (14.5%), in food area, (6%), others (3.6%); 64.9 % have not published the research work of the master's degree. 95.2 % have not yet done the doctorate in nutrition and at 89.2 % they would like to do it. 87.9 % describe the mastery of human nutrition FCM an excellent or very good one. Conclusion: A greater number of women graduates is identified, in terms of the performance field, there is a greater amount in the clinical area, more than half of the graduates have participated in a research work being a magister in the clinical area, the work of Master's research has not been published by the majority. Almost the total has not done a doctorate in nutrition. It is presented for the first time, at the national level, a study on the professional development of graduates of the Master in Human Nutrition that could be useful for future research works.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 66(3): 40-50, may.-jun. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514814


Resumen Introducción: la formación de la identidad profesional médica se logra en etapas durante las cuales se internalizan las características, los valores y las normas de la profesión médica, lo que da como resultado que el individuo piense, actúe y se sienta como un médico. Los tutores en medicina deben aclarar y animar los principios dentro de los programas de estudio y los entornos de aprendizaje con el fin de apoyar la formación de la identidad profesional de sus alumnos. Objetivo: el propósito de este escrito es develar la participación de la tutoría médica como uno de los factores más influyentes que contribuyen al desarrollo de la identidad profesional de los estudiantes de la licenciatura de medicina, así como dar algunas pautas para que la formación de tutores contemple herramientas que les permitan contribuir en la construcción positiva y valorada de la identidad profesional de los estudiantes.

Abstract Introduction: the formation of the medical professional iden tity is achieved in stages during which the characteristics, values and norms of the medical profession are internalized, which results in the individual thinking, acting and feeling like a doctor. Tutors in medicine should clarify and encourage the principles within study programs and learning environments in order to support the formation of the professional identity of their students. Objective: the purpose of this paper is to reveal the participation of medical tutoring as one of the most influential factors that contribute to the development of the professional identity of medical students, as well as to give some guidelines so that the training of tutors. It contemplates tools that allow them to contribute to the positive and valued construction of the professional identity of the students.

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(1)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521926


Introducción: Las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (ICT por sus siglas en inglés) han originado la enseñanza mediante los llamados entornos virtuales de enseñanza-aprendizaje. La Universidad Virtual de la salud (UVS) de Pinar del Río, es una de las instituciones que se destaca en este quehacer, no obstante, son insuficientes las publicaciones relacionadas con la virtualización de contenidos en la especialidad de Oftalmología. Objetivo: desarrollar una aplicación web para la virtualización de los procesos docentes en la especialidad de Oftalmología en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Pinar del Río. Métodos: La investigación se basa en el enfoque dialéctico. Desde este enfoque se utilizaron métodos de investigación teóricos: análisis histórico lógico, análisis y síntesis, inducción y deducción, y empíricos: modelación y análisis documental. Para la modelación y diseño de artefactos de ingeniería se utilizó el Enterprise Architect y para la elaboración de la web el WordPress. Resultados: Se podrán visualizar los contenidos de la especialidad en cada uno de los años de rotación, tanto en pregrado como en el postgrado, a través de interfaz gráfica amigable, sencilla y amena. Conclusiones: Con la elaboración de esta aplicación web se resuelven problemas de masividad, espacio y tiempo, así como de llevar el conocimiento más actualizado y pertinente hasta donde están quienes más lo necesitan, sin que tengan que ausentarse de su entorno laboral y familiar, de forma masiva.

Introduction: ICT have originated training in the so-called virtual teaching-learning environments. The UVS of Pinar del Río is one of the institutions that stands out in this task; however, the publications related to the virtualization of contents in the specialty of Ophthalmology are insufficient. Objective: to develop a web application for the virtualization of teaching processes in the specialty of Ophthalmology at the University of Medical Sciences of Pinar Del Río. Methods: the dialectical approach is the basis of the research. Theoretical methods used were: logical-historical analysis, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction; empirical methods included modeling and documentary analysis. The Enterprise Architecture was used for the modeling and design of engineering artifacts, and WordPress was used for the development of the Web. Results: the contents of the specialty might be visualized in both undergraduate and postgraduate years of rotation through a friendly, simple and enjoyable graphical interface. Conclusions: the use of this web application can solve problems of massiveness, space and time, bringing the most updated and relevant knowledge to where people need it, without having to be absent from their work and family environment.

Educ. med. super ; 37(2)jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1528540


Introducción: Los avances de unas tecnologías y la obsolescencia de otras marchan a una velocidad inimaginable, especialmente en este siglo xxi. En los últimos meses de 2022 y primeros meses de 2023 muchas incógnitas y controversias en diferentes campos han surgido en torno a los Chat GPS, una innovación que presenta desafíos nunca pensados para la sociedad actual, así como nuevos retos que impactarán de manera directa en la formación y/o desempeño de profesores, estudiantes, profesionales de la salud, juristas, políticos, informáticos, bibliotecarios, científicos y cualquier ciudadano. Objetivo: Identificar algunas características del chat GPT y su posible impacto en el educación. Posicionamiento de los autores: Se leen en las noticias y reportajes valoraciones de especialistas; se han realizado encuentros virtuales y exposiciones; y están disponibles diversos artículos y videos sobre este tema, algunos llegan a ser elaborados con el propio asistente. Por la novedad del tema, la reciente incorporación como herramienta para el desarrollo profesional, así como por el interés mostrado en los últimos días por la comunidad de profesores de las ciencias médicas cubanas, y considerando que esta herramienta es resultado del desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial, cabe preguntarse: ¿en qué consiste? y ¿cuáles son sus perspectivas? Conclusiones: Resulta oportuno acercarse al tema desde las posibilidades y los retos que abre a la educación y el aprendizaje, en particular a la docencia médica(AU)

Introduction: The advances of some technologies and the obsolescence of others are marching at an unimaginable speed, especially in this twenty-first century. In the last months of 2022 and first months of 2023, many questions and controversies in different fields have arisen with respect to Chat GPT, an innovation that presents challenges never thought of before for today's society, as well as new challenges that will have a direct impact on the training and/or performance of professors, students, health professionals, law practitioners, politicians, computer scientists, librarians, scientists and any citizen. Objective: To identify some technological characteristics of Chat GPT. Positioning of the authors: In news and reports, assessments by specialists are read; virtual meetings and presentations have been held; and several articles and videos on this topic are available, some of them even elaborated by the assistant itself. Due to the novelty of the subject, its recent assimilation as a tool for professional development, as well as the interest shown in recent days by the community of professors of Cuban medical sciences and considering that this tool is the result of the development of artificial intelligence, it is worth wondering what it consists in and what its prospects are. Conclusions: It is appropriate to approach the subject with a focus on the possibilities and challenges that it opens to education and learning (AU)

Humanos , Ensino/educação , Inteligência Artificial/história , Inteligência Artificial/tendências , Educação Médica/métodos , Educação Médica/tendências , Aprendizado de Máquina , Aprendizagem , Universidades , Processamento de Linguagem Natural , Comunicação não Verbal
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1536316


Introducción: Las funciones sustantivas universitarias constituyen claves en el análisis de los procesos de calidad de la universidad. Objetivo: Caracterizar la repercusión de la presencia de la COVID-19 en los procesos sustantivos desarrollados en el Departamento Docente de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas del municipio Los Palacios durante el curso 2020-2021. Métodos: Investigación aplicada, que tuvo una fase descriptiva-evaluativa y una de evaluación de resultados. Se estudiaron los procesos sustantivos de la universidad (docente, investigativo y extensión); además, participaron 86 estudiantes de Medicina y 42 profesores aportando información. Se realizó revisión documental, entrevistas abiertas e intercambios virtuales y semipresenciales, se utilizó matriz DAFO estableciéndose prioridades por método de ranqueo. Resultados: Se identificaron dos prioridades por el área de docencia e investigación y una prioridad por el área de extensión, se acometieron acciones; entre los resultados positivos se destacaron: la culminación de estudios del 100 por ciento de los estudiantes previstos, uso intensivo de los recursos tecnológicos y de la educación a distancia, mayor adquisición de habilidades investigativas y fortalecimiento del proceso de extensión universitaria. Se identifica la necesidad de fortalecer la infraestructura tecnológica. Conclusiones: La repercusión de la COVID-19 sobre los procesos sustantivos se ha caracterizado por los cambios de la enseñanza presencial a la virtual, un uso intensivo de los recursos tecnológicos y una consolidación del proceso de extensión universitaria que ha fortalecido las relaciones universidad-sociedad(AU)

Introduction: University fundamental functions constitute keys in the analysis of university quality processes. Objective: To characterize the impact of the presence of COVID-19 on the substantive processes developed in the Teaching Department of the University of Medical Sciences of Los Palacios municipality during the academic year 2020-2021. Methods: Applied research, which had a descriptive-evaluative phase and a results evaluation phase. The substantive processes of the university (teaching, research and extension) were studied; in addition, 86 medical students and 42 professors participated and provided information. A documentary review, open interviews and virtual and semi-presential exchanges were carried out. In addition, the SWOT matrix was used to establish priorities by ranking method. Results: Two priorities were identified for the teaching and research area and one priority for the extension area and actions were undertaken. Among the positive results, the following stand out: completion of studies by 100percent of the expected students, intensive use of technological resources and distance education, greater acquisition of research skills and strengthening of the university extension process. The need to strengthen the technological infrastructure was identified. Conclusions: The impact of COVID-19 on substantive processes has been characterized by changes from face-to-face to virtual teaching, an intensive use of technological resources, and a consolidation of the university extension process that has strengthened university-society relations(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Universidades , Epidemiologia Descritiva
Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol ; 58(3): 148-154, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37217394


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: There is a considerable lack of structure in training health professionals in geriatrics. The narratives can promote a collaborative reflection on different topics and might be used as a pedagogic strategy for undergraduate health students. This study aimed to explore the adoption of new perspectives on ageing after the implementation of dynamic narratives in the first graduate year for physiotherapy students. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An exploratory qualitative study was performed. Participants were included if they were: ≥18 years old, physiotherapy students and agreed to participate. Physiotherapy students (n=44) were recruited from the School of Health Sciences, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria. Two gaming sessions were performed to help students, as narrators, express their visions and ways to deal with the geriatrics field. Students' perspectives about ageing at baseline (T1) and after the narratives experience (T2) were collected by answering the following question: What is your perception regarding ageing? Two evaluators were involved in qualitative data analysis by performing: (i) an individual analysis of themes/subthemes and a discussion meeting to evaluate discrepancies and to reach a consensus. RESULTS: Negative perceptions about ageing were referred 39 times at T1 (most of them related to restriction; deterioration subthemes). There were no negative perceptions registered at T2. Positive perceptions increased at T2, from n=39 to n=52, and three new subthemes emerged (beginning of something, fighting ageism, challenge). CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated the potential of narrative-based experiences as a desirable pedagogic methodology (board games-oriented) for geriatric education in undergraduate health students.

Competência Clínica , Estudantes , Humanos , Envelhecimento , Modalidades de Fisioterapia/educação , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36940853


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In-hospital cardiac arrest (CA) is a clinical entity with high morbidity and mortality that occurs in up to 2% of hospitalized patients. It is a public health problem with important economic, social, and medical repercussions, and as such its incidence needs to be reviewed and improved. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of in-hospital CA, return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), and survival rates at Hospital de la Princesa, and to define the clinical and demographic characteristics of patients with in-hospital CA. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Retrospective observational chart review of patients presenting in-hospital CA and treated by anaesthesiologists from the hospital's rapid intervention team. Data were collected over 1 year. RESULTS: Forty four patients were included in the study, of which 22 (50%) were women. Mean age was 75.7 years (±15.78 years), and incidence of in-hospital CA was 2.88 per 100,000 hospital admissions. Twenty two patients (50%) achieved ROSC and 11 patients (25%) survived until discharge home. The most prevalent comorbidity was arterial hypertension (63.64%); 66.7% of cases were not witnessed, and only 15.9% presented a shockable rhythm. CONCLUSIONS: These results are similar to those reported in other larger studies. We recommend introducing immediate intervention teams and devoting time to training hospital staff in in-hospital CA.

Reanimação Cardiopulmonar , Parada Cardíaca , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Parada Cardíaca/epidemiologia , Parada Cardíaca/terapia , Hospitais , Incidência , Prognóstico , Estudos Retrospectivos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 52(1)mar. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521976


Introducción: La práctica investigativa corresponde a un ejercicio sistemático que conlleva el planteamiento propio y original de un problema de investigación contextuado, relevante disciplinar y socialmente, con soporte teórico y cuyo desarrollo se ajusta metodológicamente a la naturaleza del fenómeno en estudio. Se realizó una búsqueda de la práctica investigativa en revistas científicas de las bases de datos: Scielo, PubMed, Scopus, Redalyc y el repositorio de tesis doctorales de Infomed de los últimos 10 años, así como normativas vigentes para la educación superior en el curso 2022. Las palabras clave utilizadas fueron: educación, investigación, docencia universitaria, educación médica y sus equivalentes en inglés. Inicialmente fueron seleccionados 102 artículos. Luego se obtuvieron 34 artículos que cumplían los criterios de inclusión. Objetivo: Valorar las características de la práctica investigativa en docentes de las ciencias médicas en Cuba. Desarrollo: Se han vislumbrado deficiencias evidentes referentes a la producción científica de docentes; así como escasas acciones que favorezcan su incremento. Se reflejaron variables relacionadas de forma positiva con estas tareas, como el número de proyectos de investigación realizados y años trabajados en la universidad. Conclusiones: Se valoran insuficiencias en la práctica investigativa de docentes en el ámbito de las ciencias médicas en Cuba, así como factores involucrados a tener en cuenta para la elaboración e implementación de estrategias y modelos en el campo de las ciencias médicas que contribuyan a impulsar la investigación en los educadores, conforme a las exigencias del país.

Introduction: The investigative practice corresponds to a systematic exercise that entails the proper and original approach of a contextualized research problem, disciplinary and socially relevant, with theoretical support and whose development is methodologically adjusted to the nature of the phenomenon under study. A search of the investigative practice was carried out in scientific journals of the databases: Scielo, PubMed, Scopus, Redalyc and the Infomed doctoral theses repository of the last 10 years, as well as current regulations for higher education in the course 2022 The keywords used were: education, research, university teaching, medical education and their equivalents in English. Initially, 102 articles were selected. Then, 34 articles that met the inclusion criteria were obtained. Objective: To assess the characteristics of the investigative practice in teachers of medical sciences in Cuba. Development: Obvious deficiencies regarding the scientific production of teachers have been glimpsed; as well as a few actions that favor its increase. Variables positively related to these tasks were reflected, such as the number of research projects carried out and years worked at the university. Conclusions: Insufficiencies in the investigative practice of teachers in the field of medical sciences in Cuba are valued, as well as factors involved to take into account for the elaboration and implementation of strategies and models in the field of medical sciences that contribute to promote the research on educators, according to the demands of the country.

ABCS health sci ; 48: e023403, 14 fev. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438246


INTRODUCTION: Delivering quality medical education is a hot topic. The current discussion essentially addresses content versus competencies. Extensive curricula and matrices, and traditional assessments are against go against the modern concepts of medical education. Remote education stimulated this discussion and brought the opportunity to review the academic load and assessment. REPORT: In January 2021, a pedagogic workshop of the Medicine course of Centro Universitário FMABC was held. It began with a lecture by a visiting professor and coordinator of the medical school accreditation system on remote activities during the pandemic. Next, the person responsible for the Progress Test made a history of the latest assessments, and a professor who is a member of the Accreditation Committee of the Medical Schools presented a summary of the main insufficient points of the last assessment. Afterward, the students presented the last internal evaluations. Finally, the matrices of the course, from the 1st to the 4th year, were presented and compared with those of three other medical schools, and each year coordinator prepared their suggestions for changes to the matrices. Lastly, students, professors, and the course coordination presented a report and proposals, encouraging the integration of the academic community, the reassessment of teaching plans, repetition of content, and recognition of matrices of each year, offering ideas and tools, to reflection on remote learning, and opportunities for change and improvement in teaching, and learning. CONCLUSION: The disciplines showed willingness for integrative activities, extension, and creation of elective disciplines, complementing failures caused by the Pandemic.

INTRODUÇÃO: A entrega da educação médica de qualidade é um tema em ebulição. A discussão atual aborda essencialmente conteúdos versus competências. Currículos e matrizes extensas, e avaliações tradicionais estão na contramão. O ensino remoto estimulou a discussão e a revisão da carga acadêmica e das avaliações. RELATO: Em janeiro de 2021 foi realizada uma oficina pedagógica do Curso de Medicina do Centro Universitário FMABC. Começou com a palestra de um professor convidado e coordenador do sistema de acreditação de escolas médicas, sobre atividades remotas durante a pandemia. A seguir, a responsável pelo Teste do Progresso fez um histórico das últimas avaliações, e um professor membro da comissão de acreditação de escolas médicas apresentaram uma síntese dos principais pontos insuficientes da última avaliação. Na sequência, os discentes apresentaram as últimas avaliações internas. Finalmente, foram apresentadas as matrizes do curso, do 1º ao 4º ano, comparadas com as de mais três escolas médicas, e cada coordenador de ano preparou suas sugestões para alterações de matrizes. Por último, discentes, docentes e a coordenação do curso apresentaram um relatório e propostas, estimulando a integração da comunidade acadêmica, a reavaliação dos planos de ensino, as repetições de conteúdo e o reconhecimento de matrizes de cada ano, oferecendo ideias e ferramentas, para a reflexão sobre o ensino remoto e as oportunidades de mudanças e aprimoramento do ensino e do aprendizado. CONCLUSÃO: As disciplinas mostraram disposição para as atividades integrativas, de extensão e de criação de disciplinas eletivas complementando falhas provocadas pela Pandemia.

Faculdades de Medicina , Ensino , Educação a Distância , Educação , Educação de Graduação em Medicina
Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 35(66): 1-17, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1452045


Identificou e analisou possíveis implicações da participação de três professores licenciados em Educação Física (duas mulheres e um homem) em programas de incentivo à docência no desenvolvimento profissional em escolas de educação básica. Realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, a partir de entrevista semiestruturada com professores licenciados em Educação Física. A análise dos dados mostrou que os impactos das vivências nos programas de incentivo à docência relacionam-se com a percepção do real papel de ser docente, com a tomada de consciência mais crítica e ampliada a partir do caráter colaborativo e coletivo nas discussões temáticas, nos planejamentos de atividades de ensino e pesquisa. Verificou-se ainda que os programas influenciaram no reconhecimento, por parte dos professores, da importância da continuidade do processo formativo, com ênfase para novas formas na abordagem dos conteúdos, através da retomada das metodologias de ensino, o repensar do binômio teoria-prática no processo ensino e aprendizagem, além da inclusão na seleção dos conteúdos trabalhados.

It identified and analyzed possible implications of the participation of three Physical Education teachers (two women and one man) in programs to encourage teaching in professional development in basic education schools. A qualitative research was carried out, based on semi-structured interviews with teachers licensed in Physical Education. Data analysis showed that the impacts of experiences in teaching incentive programs are related to the perception of the real role of being a teacher, with a more critical and expanded awareness of the collaborative and collective character in the thematic discussions, in the planning of teaching and research activities. It was also verified that the programs influenced the recognition, by the teachers, of the importance of the continuity of the formative process, with emphasis on new ways of approaching the contents, through the resumption of teaching methodologies, the rethinking of the theory-practice binomial in teaching and learning process, in addition to inclusion in the selection of contents worked on.

Identificó y analizó posibles trascendencias de la participación de tres profesores licenciados en Educación Física (dos mujeres y un hombre) en programas de fomento de la docencia en el desarrollo profesional en escuelas de educación básica. Se realizó una investigación cualitativa, basada en entrevistas semiestructuradas a docentes licenciados en Educación Física. El análisis de los datos mostró que los impactos de las experiencias en programas de incentivos docentes están relacionados con la percepción del rol real del ser docente, con una conciencia más crítica y ampliada del carácter colaborativo y colectivo en las discusiones temáticas, en la planificación de la enseñanza y Actividades de investigación. También se verificó que los programas influyeron en el reconocimiento, por parte de los profesores, de la importancia de la continuidad del proceso formativo, con énfasis en nuevas formas de abordar los contenidos, a través de la reanudación de las metodologías de enseñanza, el replanteamiento de la teoría-práctica binomio en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, además de la inclusión en la selección de contenidos trabajados.

Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 29: e29006, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506755


Resumo Este artigo objetiva refletir sobre a maternidade e os modos de viver essa experiência que impactam e são impactados pela docência em Educação Física na Educação Básica e no Ensino Superior, em Porto Alegre/RS e região metropolitana. A temática abordada se fundamenta na análise das interpretações de dois grupos de discussão, constituídos como estratégia metodológica e das informações obtidas que possibilitaram a construção de uma categoria de análise em uma pesquisa de Doutorado. As análises e as interpretações da pesquisa indicam que as professoras participantes do estudo percebem que apesar da maternidade ser uma experiência vivida de modo individual, cercada de exigências sociais e que localiza na mulher significativa responsabilidade pela criação dos/as filhos/as, há possibilidades de se conceitualizar e viver outras experiências de maternar de modo mais coletivo e comunitário. (AU)

Resumen Este artículo busca reflexionar sobre la maternidad y los modos de vivir esta experiencia que impactan y son impactados por la docencia en Educación Física, de la Educación Básica y de la Enseñanza Superior en Porto Alegre/RS y región metropolitana. El tema abordado se basa en el análisis de las interpretaciones de dos grupos de discusión constituidos como estrategia metodológica, así como de la información obtenida que posibilita la construcción de una categoría de análisis en una investigación de Doctorado. Los análisis y las interpretaciones de la investigación indican que las profesoras colaboradoras del estudio perciben que, a pesar de la maternidad ser una experiencia vivida de modo individual, cercada de exigencias sociales y que enfoca en la mujer significativa responsabilidad por la crianza de los/las hijos/as, existen posibilidades de conceptualizarse y de vivir otras experiencias de maternar de manera más colectiva y comunitaria. (AU)

Abstract This article aims to reflect on motherhood and the ways of living this experience which impact and are impacted by teaching in Physical Education, Basic Education and Higher Education in Porto Alegre/Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil and metropolitan area. The theme addressed is based on the analysis of the interpretations of two discussion groups constituted as a methodological strategy and on information obtained that allowed the construction of a category of a Doctoral research. The analyzes and interpretations of the research indicate that the teachers collaborating in the study realize that despite motherhood being an experience lived individually, surrounded by social demands and which places significant responsibility for raising children on women, there are possibilities to conceptualize and live other experiences of mothering in a way that is more collective and communal. (AU)

Humanos , Feminino
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 27: e220235, 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440366


Resumen La educación para personas con Diabetes Mellitus (DM) representa un desafío en el campo de la salud pública. Presentamos una propuesta teórica que orienta el análisis pedagógico de la educación para la salud en personas con DM, a partir de un proceso de investigación documental. Los hallazgos evidenciaron la existencia de diferentes perspectivas teóricas en tensión sobre la educación en personas con DM que luchan por la legitimación, que pueden agruparse en dos tendencias, una tradicional y la otra crítica. Se presenta una propuesta guiada desde la teoría pedagógica y la salud pública para explicar los hallazgos. La teoría construida pretende evidenciar la configuración de corrientes educativas como resultado de los debates y las luchas teóricas, políticas y epistemológicas que se dan en la intersección de los campos de la salud pública y la pedagogía. (AU)

Abstract Education for people with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) represents a challenge in the field of public health. We present a theoretical proposal that guides the pedagogical analysis of health education for people with DM, based on a documentary research process. The findings evidenced the existence of different theoretical perspectives in tension about education in people with DM that struggle for legitimacy, which can be grouped into two tendencies, one traditional and the other critical. A proposal guided by pedagogical theory and public health is presented to explain the findings. The theory constructed intends to evidence the configuration of educational currents as a result of the debates and theoretical, political and epistemological struggles that occur at the intersection of the fields of public health and pedagogy. (AU)

Resumo A educação para pessoas com Diabetes Mellitus (DM) representa um desafio no campo da saúde pública. Apresentamos uma proposta teórica que orienta a análise pedagógica da educação em saúde em pessoas com DM, a partir de um processo de pesquisa documental. Os achados evidenciaram a existência de diferentes perspectivas teóricas em tensão sobre a educação em pessoas com DM que lutam por legitimação, que podem ser agrupadas em duas correntes, uma tradicional e outra crítica. Uma proposta pautada na teoria pedagógica e na saúde pública é apresentada para explicar os achados. A teoria construída visa mostrar a configuração das correntes educacionais como resultado dos debates e lutas teóricas, políticas e epistemológicas que ocorrem na intersecção dos campos da saúde pública e da pedagogia. (AU)

Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 70(4)Oct.-Dec. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535182


Introduction: Studying the identity of university teachers contributes to the understanding of their professional career, since their personal and professional development is projected in their work, as well as in their commitment to educational change or improvement on the basis of the concept they have of themselves and their profession. Objective: To recognize the meanings of being a health science professor at the Universidad of Antioquia, Colombia. Materials and methods: Qualitative study, based on symbolic interactionism, carried out between 2016 and 2019. Semi-structured interviews were administered to 73 teachers who had been working for more than five years in the health sciences programs offered by the Universidad de Antioquia. Data were analyzed inductively and compared with each other until achieving the creation of an explanatory table that would allow addressing the objective of the work. Results: The meaning of being a health sciences professor at the Universidad de Antioquia was expressed as follows: 1) being a trainer: since professors conceived themselves as academics and educators; 2) having ethical behaviors: being a critical and caring counselor-companion for students who generates bonds with social responsibility; and 3) being someone welcoming: being a role model in terms of social relationships and demonstrating fulfillment with their performance in their teaching practice. Conclusion: Participants conceive teaching as a way to contribute to the development of critical thinking in students and define their role as facilitators of the students' learning process. Furthermore, they have a common interest, namely, to guide, support and facilitate such process, so that students acquire tools that allow them to achieve an appropriate personal and professional development in the affective, social, and life project dimensions.

Introducción. Estudiar la identidad de los docentes universitarios contribuye a la comprensión de su vida profesional, ya que estos proyectan su desarrollo personal y profesional en su labor, así como su compromiso con el cambio o mejoramiento educativo sobre la base del concepto que construyen de sí mismos y de su profesión. Objetivo. Reconocer los significados de ser docente de ciencias de la salud de la Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Estudio cualitativo, basado en el interaccionismo simbólico, llevado a cabo entre 2016 y 2019. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a 73 docentes vinculados por más de 5 años a los programas de ciencias de la salud de la Universidad de Antioquia. Los datos se analizaron de forma inductiva y fueron comparados entre sí hasta lograr un cuadro explicativo que permitiera abordar el objetivo del trabajo. Resultados. El significado de ser docente de ciencias de la salud en la Universidad de Antioquia quedó expresado así: 1) ser un formador, al concebirse como académicos y pedagogos; 2) ser ético: ser un orientador-acompañante crítico y amoroso que genera vínculos con responsabilidad social, y 3) ser acogedor: ser un modelo a seguir en lo que respecta a relaciones sociales, y demostrar satisfacción con su ejercicio docente. Conclusión. Los participantes conciben la enseñanza como una forma de contribuir al desarrollo del pensamiento crítico de los estudiantes y se definen como facilitadores de su proceso de aprendizaje; además, tienen un interés común: ser orientadores, acompañadores y facilitadores en dicho proceso para que los estudiantes adquieran herramientas que les permitan lograr un apropiado desarrollo personal y profesional en las dimensiones afectiva, social y de proyecto de vida.

Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 24(4)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1530175


La educación médica superior se enfrenta a un proceso de constantes transformaciones dada por los adelantos científico-técnicos que vienen sucediendo en el campo de la salud. Estos adelantos concluyen en un volumen gigantesco de información en forma de publicaciones científicas que reúnen información valiosa sobre nuevos avances, esquemas terapéuticos y otros elementos relacionados con la enfermedad. La academia y práctica de la medicina se orienta al uso de la medicina basada en evidencia, por lo que los docentes y estudiantes tendrán una preparación y formación con elevado rigor científico, según las exigencias del contexto médico actual. Sin embargo, uno de los mayores problemas a los que se enfrenta la docencia médica universitaria se relaciona directamente con el dominio del idioma inglés, ya que una parte importante de estos documentos se publica en ese idioma. La educación bilingüe, a pesar de estar incluida dentro del proceso docente educativo como uno de los requisitos a vencer por los estudiantes, continúa siendo un desafío para poder lograr una mayor actualización científica que resulte en una mejor preparación profesional. El objetivo de esta investigación es exponer la situación actual de la educación bilingüe en la educación médica superior y cuáles son las necesidades actuales en este sentido(AU)

Higher medical education faces a process of constant transformations given by the scientific-technical advances that have been taking place in the field of health. These advances conclude in a gigantic volume of information that is expressed in the form of scientific publications that gather valuable information on new advances, therapeutic schemes and other elements related to the disease. The academy and practice of medicine is oriented towards the use of Evidence-Based Medicine; Therefore, teachers and students will have preparation and training with a high level of scientific rigor, according to the demands of the current medical context. However, one of the biggest problems faced by university medical teaching is directly related to the command of the English language, since a significant part of these documents are published in English. Bilingual education, despite being included within the educational teaching process as one of the requirements to be met by students, is presented as a current need in order to achieve a greater scientific update that results in better professional preparation. The objective of this research is to expose the current situation of bilingual education in higher medical education and what are the current needs in this regard(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Multilinguismo , Educação Médica , Equador
Medisur ; 20(6)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440596


Muchas son las mujeres que han contribuido al desarrollo de la Estomatología en Cuba. En Cienfuegos, se encuentra entre las más destacadas en dicho ámbito, la Dra. Mercedes Verónica Diego Cobelo, personalidad que este artículo se propone abordar mediante la descripción de los acontecimientos significativos de su vida y obra, pasando por su trayectoria en el plano estudiantil, laboral y político. Se realizó una investigación histórica, en el periodo de octubre a diciembre de 2016. Como forma de reseñar la historia se emplearon las memorias; así como los métodos analítico-sintético y deductivo-inductivo. Se emplearon técnicas de la investigación histórica: revisión documental; y entrevistas orales a profundidad con testimonio de la propia Mercedes, como fuente primaria de obtención de la información. Es considerada iniciadora de la docencia estomatológica y médica media en la provincia de Cienfuegos desde 1970, al participar en la inauguración de los servicios estomatológicos de todos sus municipios, además de ser elegida presidenta provincial de la Sociedad Cubana de Salud Pública. El estudio evidencia la trascendencia de su labor en el establecimiento de los servicios estomatológicos en Cienfuegos, su entrega a la docencia desde su etapa estudiantil, y la vinculación íntegra a la obra revolucionaria en todos los ámbitos.

There are many women who have contributed to the development of Stomatology in Cuba. In Cienfuegos, one of the most prominent in this field is Dr. Mercedes Verónica Diego Cobelo, a personality that this article intends to address through the description of the significant events of her life and work, going through her career in the student, labor and political fields. A historical research was carried out, from October to December 2016. As a way of reviewing the history, her memories were used; as well as the analytic-synthetic and deductive-inductive methods. Historical research techniques were used: documentary review; and in-depth oral interviews with testimony from Mercedes herself, as the primary source for obtaining the information. She is considered the initiator of stomatology and medical education in Cienfuegos province since 1970, by participating in the inauguration of the stomatology services of all its municipalities, in addition to being elected provincial president of the Cuban Society of Public Health. The study evidences the transcendence of her work in the establishment of stomatological services in Cienfuegos, her dedication to teaching from her student stage, and the integral link to the revolutionary work in all areas.